Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I'm finding myself at a place I haven't been for a while. Probably longer than you'd guess.

I didn't ask for it.

I'm not complaining either...

Not in the least bit.

Friday, June 20, 2008

I'd like to think that all good ideas are the right ideas. But, then again, who really knows at this point? I'd like to know.

I am officially a Gainesville resident for the next 10 months! I guess it could be longer, but at this point I'm digging my feet in deep and preparing for a unbelievable year. A lot of unknowns...sure. A little nervousness...yes. But, my expectations far exceed both. I don't know what's in store for me, and conjecture won't take me too far...but, never hurts to dream does it?

How I spent Day 1:
1) Cup of coffee...wasn't Starbucks...why did I bother?
2) Apartment pool
3) 9 mile bike ride
4) Publix
5) Gator's Dockside
6) Get Smart...a B movie for sure, but worth a few good laughs.

"Do not lose hold of your dreams or aspirations. For if you do, you may still exist but you have ceased to live." -Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Seeing the Soul

So, I've got a proposal for you.

On your pursuit of holiness, stop asking the question, "Is it right or is it wrong?" Instead, ask yourself, "Does this stir my affection for Jesus, or does it rob me of my affection for Jesus?"

You see, I think we've become really good managers of the flesh. I believe that we mean well, but our misguided pursuit of morality has caused us to simply reconfigure the same junk, address the symptoms, and find ourselves perpetually frustrated over our failure to break the cycle.

What might life with Christ look like if we stopped studying our rulebooks, decided to wake up, and payed earnest attention to our souls? God didn't die so that you could become a moral person. He died so that you might have life. Even the rich young ruler, who had never broken the law, still found himself lacking.

So, let's put away checklists and the cultural norms we so often mindlessly adhere to, and let us take seriously the call not to manage the flesh, but to pursue Christ.

Not "Is it right or is it wrong?" But, from a much deeper place, "Does this stir my affection for Jesus or does it rob me of my affection for Jesus?"